
Why is the PinCH software suitable for courses?

The most important and meaningful graphics of the Pinch method can be generated with little effort. Key parameters, such as heat recovery potential, hot and cold utility usage, can be directly read from the displayed tables. Together with this information, an estimate can be made of the energy-saving potential through direct and indirect heat recovery, the use of renewable energy, and energy conversion systems.

The PinCH software can be applied effectively in the classroom after an initial introduction to the Pinch method. Experience has shown that the graphical representations in PinCH help students and course participants better understand the connections of pinch analysis (e.g., supertargeting with cost optimization of DeltaTmin based on the cost curve and the associated changes in composite curves). Also, the effects of violations of the golden rules of pinch analysis can be clearly and understandably conveyed using the PinCH software. PinCH helps make theory tangible in education and training and creates a connection to practical applications.

The user is guided step by step through the data entry process. There are a total of 10 steps to the heat exchanger network.

The user interface is very user-friendly with comprehensive help features for the functionalities. In addition, PinCH has dockable windows, meaning users can freely position a windows on the screen as required.

With the so-called "E-modules," which are Excel-based calculation programs that have an interface with the PinCH software, material and energy balances can be efficiently developed for selected basic operations. From these E-modules, process requirements can be directly derived and loaded into PinCH for analysis.

The PinCH software contains the fluid phase equilibrium data for the most common fluids used in industrial processes as heat and cold carriers or process streams. For special media, particularly those used in the chemical industry, the fluid data can be easily entered. The PinCH software offers the greatest possible freedom to independently define custom fluids data.

PinCH is excellent for conducting variant studies. Different scenarios (e.g., multi-layered production, short depreciation periods) can be quickly calculated and compared. This is ideal for investigating the integration of energy conversion systems, such as heat pumps, combined heat and power plants, and ORC systems.

The heat exchanger network must be developed manually. The user is supported by the software in designing the network to ensure that no basic rules are broken and that an optimal network is found. Automated networks often generate heat exchanger systems that are not feasible for practical reasons. When developing the plant concept, the user must always consider these practical considerations when placing the heat exchangers in the overall system.

For discontinuous processes, extensive tools are available to integrate thermal energy storage. In finding the optimal solution, different options for storage integration can be developed and compared without much effort, such as choosing the type of storage and storage medium. Different variants can also be developed by deactivating certain process requirements and therefore not considering them. With the PinCH software, storage temperatures, storage capacities, and even rough hydraulic integration can be systematically determined. The representation of the storage concept is automatically generated and updated continuously based on adjustments. These PinCH functionalities related to storage integration are unique.